2020, Number 3
Design of an infusion of Moringa oleifera Lam. (moringa) and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Jamaican flower)
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Introduction: Currently, natural foods are sought that have nutritional and functional properties and that are easy to introduce to the diet of people. The combination of leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam., Moringaceae, with the chalices of Hibiscus sabdariffa L., Malvaceae, would achieve a beneficial infusion for health due to the content of water-soluble bioactive compounds that it provides.Objective: To design a formulation to prepare as an infusion, combining the leaves of M. oleifera (moringa) with the chalices of H. sabdariffa (flower of Jamaica).
Methods: The raw materials were evaluated by determining residual humidity, total ash and insoluble in acid, minerals, protein and total phenols (Folin- Ciocalteu). By means of high-efficiency liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry (HPLC / MS), the major compounds were established and, in addition, the antioxidant capacity (IC50 by DPPH) was determined. Three formulations were designed, the one with the greatest sensory acceptance was chosen and the corresponding physical-chemical quality controls were performed on this.
Results: The quality standards determined to dry drugs are within the limits referred to in the literature. The chemical study allowed to identify glycosidic flavonoids, derivatives of quercetin, apigenin and kaempferol; phenolic acids and a lignan in the aqueous extract of the M. oleifera. In addition to organic acids and the amino acid phenylalanine. In the aqueous extract of the chalices of H. sabdariffa, anthocyanins, glycosidic flavonoids and organic acids were identified. The best accepted sensory formulation was the 50:50 mixtures of both drugs. The quality control of the infusion, through various physicochemical tests, allowed its standardization. The quantification of polyphenols in 200 mL of water was 49.34 mg EAG and the IC50 of DPPH of 0.06 mg / mL.
Conclusions: The designed infusion has the necessary characteristics to be considered, for its nutritional and antioxidant properties, as a beneficial beverage for human health.
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