2020, Number 3
Preliminary phytochemical study of steroid compounds of Solanum acanthodes Hook F. (fruit of the wolf), Solanaceae family
Language: Portugués
References: 14
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Introduction: The genus Solanum arouses interest in traditional medicine due to the properties found in the organs of this plant. Phytochemical research assists in the chemical knowledge of plant species, and may indicate groups of secondary metabolites of pharmacological interest.Objective: The objective of the present work was to perform a phytochemical study on leaf and fruit extracts of Solanum acanthodes Hook. f. "Fruit of the Wolf" (Solanaceae), through the identification of secondary metabolites with specific reagents.
Methods: The vegetable matter of the fruits and leaves of Solanum acanthodes Hook. f were processed for their study, using the technique of extraction with Soxhlet apparatus. The extracts were concentrated under vacuum and used for the study of the phytochemical approach and recognition of the metabolites present. Laboratory tests were performed by thin layer chromatography and by column with aluminum oxide. The extracts were analyzed by secondary metabolites using the Bessa, technique.
Results: Leaf extracts, alkaloids, volatile coumarins, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, triterpenes and steroids were identified. In the extract of the fruits, the above mentioned were identified, less volatile coumarins and presented cardiotonic glycosides, thus confirming the consulted literature. Through the results of Rfs, the presence of 10 different spots can be observed. Subsequently, thin layer chromatography was performed using silica gel (MERCK) plates and as developer iodine vapors.
Conclusions: The presence of secondary metabolites confirming the biological activity of the extracts was confirmed. For the recognition of the compounds we used patterns obtained from other species of the Solanum genus, where Solasodine, Solasodiene, Diosgenin, Tigogenin Yucagenin, Chlorogenin, Diene Diosgenin were identified. The results obtained are relevant as basic knowledge, and show that all the compounds are present in the studied organs of the Solanum acanthodes Hook. f.
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