2020, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2020; 25 (3)
Contribution to the leaf morphological study of Cochlospermum regium (Mart. ex Schrank) Pilger (algodão-do-cerrado)
Pereira Menezes FAC
Language: Portugués
References: 21
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Introduction: Cochlospermum regium is a plant species popularly known as
cerrado cotton, belonging to the Bixaceae family. This species is found in the
Cerrado domain (savanna), and in anthropized areas.
Objectives: Contribute to the foliar morphological study of Cochlospermum
regium, through the technique of diaphanization using different dyes.
Methods: Taxon identification, leaf material collection, making and exsiccate,
diaphanization process using the dyes safranin, toluidine blue, phenolic fuchsin,
and gentian violet, and leaf morphological determination by leaf scanning
technique, and microscopic analysis.
Results: The dyes used, safranin, toluidine blue, phenolic fuchsin and gentian
violet solutions proved to be excellent options for use in macro and
microstructure differentiation. The foliar limb has the following
characteristics, simple, lobed, with 3-5 limbs, margin of leaf toothed, adaxial
face smooth and without protrusion, abaxial presenting sinuous epidermal cells,
anomocytic stomata, complete areolas, veins up to 4th order, and presence of
only glandular trichomes. The fimbrial vein is present in this species presenting
glandular trichomes and stomata, hypoestomatic and veinlets (F.E.V.S) with 1
bifurcation. Molten stomata were observed on the 2nd order veins.
Conclusion: The use of atypical dyes for foliar diaphanization were effective
for observation and analysis at macro and microstructure levels. With the
analysis of verification of the foliar venation pattern of C. regium provided
important data for the identification of this taxon. Other works should be
performed for the morphological comparison of leaf venation among other
species of the Bixaceae family.
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