2020, Number 3
Phytochemical study of Solanum stramonifolium Jacq. (false jurubeba, coconilla, tupirillo, white-sweet jurubeba), Solanaceae family
Language: Portugués
References: 28
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Introduction: Jurubeba (S. stramonifolium) is a 1 - 1.5 meter high shrub that grows in various parts of the city of Porto Velho. The species S. stramonifolium Jacq., commonly known as false jurubeba, coconilla, tupirillo and sweet-white jurubeba, is native to South America, with distribution from the north of the Amazon basin, in Colombia and in Peru to the Guianas and northern Brazil. In some regions, the fruits are used as condiments and in folk medicine, acting in anti-inflammatory processes. Plants of this genus may contain alkaloids, saponins and steroidal sapogenins that may be responsible for their biological activity.Objective: Isolate and characterize the steroidal compounds of S. stramonifolium Jacq.
Methods: The solid-liquid method was applied for extraction of steroidal substances, using a Soxhlet device initially with n-Heptane for 6 hours to remove slightly polar substances, followed by extraction with methanol also for 6 hours to obtain the substances of greater polarity. This extract was subjected to phytochemical tests using the method developed by Bessa et al. The methanolic extract was concentrated to syrup and then hydrolyzed for 3 hours, using a 1.5 molar HCl solution. The precipitate was separated by centrifugation. The steroidal derivatives were chromatographed by thin layer chromatography using chloroform: methanol 95: 5 as eluent. The steroidal derivatives were purified using column and CCD chromatographic techniques.
Results: Steroidal alkaloids and sapogenin patterns were used for identification. Three steroidal alkaloids were identified: solasodine, solasodiene and tomatidenol, as well as five steroidal sapogenins: diosgenin, diosgenin diene, isotigogenin, yucagenin and chlorogenin, pending the identification of other steroidal substances. Results were positive for alkaloids, triterpenes, flavonoids, volatile coumarins and cardiotonic glycosides. However, saponins, tannins and free anthracene derivatives were not found.
Conclusions: Phytochemical examination of the aerial part of Solanum stramonifolium Jacq., led to isolation and identification of three steroidal compounds: solasodine, solasodiene and tomatidenol, and five steroidal sapogenins: diosgenin, diosgenin diene, isotigogenin, yucagenin and chlorogenin. In addition, verification was performed of the presence of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, triterpenes, flavonoids, volatile coumarins and cardiotonic glycosides.
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