2020, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2020; 92 (4)
Clinical practice guidelines in congenital dilation of biliary tract in pediatric ages
Villamil MR, Ramírez GA, Pérez DA, Betancourt BD, Pi OA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 459.82 Kb.
Congenital dilation in the biliary duct is not common and can be found in any stage of life, including the prenatal period. It is a condition that can be asymptomatic, causing scarse symptoms or producing severe complications; therefore, the current performance of specialists must be focused towards the early diagnosis and the accurate treatment of the different types of congenital dilation of the biliary tract before the above mentioned complications appear. The aim of publishing this guidelines has to do with the need of having updated tools for the management of these conditions which allow to systematize the behaviours and to improve the quality of medical care, teaching and researches, and also because it is approved by the Cuban Society of Pediatric Surgery. It was made an extensive review of the scientific literature based in the best evidences published worldwide on the topic. It is presented the concept of this condition, its epidemiology, classification, etiology, clinical picture, ways of presentation, diagnosis and behaviour to follow with the different types of it, as well as the patient’s post-operative and follow-up measures. If all the procedures are made in a proper way and in the opportune moment, the prognosis is favorable in most of the cases.
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