2020, Number 3
Gestational diabetes mellitus and the relationship with some risk factors at ''Pedro Borrás Astorga'' community clinic
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 445.40 Kb.
Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus is the most frequent medical complication in pregnancy, which directly affects perinatal results.Objectives: To determine the frequency of gestational diabetes mellitus and its relationship with some risk factors in a group of pregnant women from a health area of Pedro Borrás Astorga Community Clinic, Pinar del Río, Cuba.
Methods: A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study of pregnant women with this diagnosis, assisted at Pedro Borrás Astorga community clinic was carried out from 2014 to 2018. A random sample of 59 pregnant women with this diagnosis was recruited from a universe of 1623 pregnant women treated in the period studied. Descriptive statistics were used and the results were presented in charts and graphs.
Results: The frequency of the disease was 3.6% and the diagnosis made between 21 and 28 weeks predominated. The nutritional status reported that family history of diabetes mellitus was present in the overweight cases, obesity, and excessive weight gain during pregnancy. Maternal complications were pregnancy-induced hypertension and vaginal infection. In the period studied, there was no perinatal death from this disease.
Conclusions: Gestational diabetes mellitus is frequent in this community and it constitutes a health problem associated with different risk factors for the mother and the fetus, generating complications which could be avoided.
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