2020, Number 1-2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2020; 23 (1-2)
Detection of nutritional status in preschool children, using anthropometric indicators
Morales GF, Cabrera JM, Andrade CIA, Torres PNV
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 65-73
PDF size: 220.04 Kb.
Malnutrition is a public health problem that
affects all ages and is more important in preschool
population. In Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, the
prevalence of malnutrition has had an upward
trend. The purpose of this study was to know
the nutritional status of children under the age of
five, according to the anthropometric indicators.
The study population was made up by students
who attend two preschool education schools
located in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl. The children,
who previously had the informed consent of their
parents, participated. A type II survey was used in
accordance with the World Health Organization.
Anthropometric indicators were evaluated;
weight-for-age, weight-for-height, height-for-age,
Waterlow, and Body Mass Index. 354 children
were evaluated, it was found that 31 (8.75%) had
some degree of malnutrition, and 52 (15.2%) were
overweight or obese. The other children presented
a normal nutritional status. Proper nutrition
promotes optimal child growth and development.
It allows adequate psychological function,
facilitates learning, improves memory, motivation,
perception and good school performance.
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