2020, Number 1-2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2020; 23 (1-2)
Personality traits and depression in women in paid and unpaid work
Ascención TYY, Rubio LBA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 49-56
PDF size: 227.90 Kb.
Personality traits are patterns of conduct and behaviors that define a person. They tend to be stable throughout life. Depression is an affective disorder that is related to personality traits. A positive correlation between neuroticism trait and depression is reported. The goal of this study was to analyze the differences in personality traits and depressive symptoms in women with paid work and unpaid work. 200 women (M = 43, SD = 11.6) from Mexico City and the metropolitan area participated voluntarily. Differences in the personality trait, extraversion and in depression were found. Women with paid work (G1) are more outgoing and have fewer depressive symptoms than women with unpaid work (G2). With the results of the ANOVAS, it was found that Neuroticism tends to increase in both groups. Agreeableness is decreased in both groups and Responsibility is decreased in G1. The results suggest that with depressive symptoms Neuroticism increases, and Agreeableness and Responsibility decrease, which may be a risk factor for the health of women in paid and unpaid work.
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