2021, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (4)
Clinical Characteristics Influencing the Asthmatic Crisis Intensity in Pediatrics
Cázares RMZ, Ramírez LDH, Ochoa MC, Medina VE, Ornelas AJM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 269-274
PDF size: 146.93 Kb.
Objective: to determine the clinical characteristics
that influence the asthmatic
crisis intensity in pediatrics.
analytical cross-sectional study. 148
patients who attended the Emergency
Room for asthmatic crisis were studied.
Severity was analyzed with the Wood
Downes-Ferrés scale, and clinical and
sociodemographic variables were measured
as well.
Results: the main symptoms
were cough, wheezing and dyspnea.
Seventy-one percent of the participants
had no controller treatment and 78%
presented an adequate nutritional status.
A significant association was found
between exposure to tobacco smoke
and severity of asthmatic exacerbation.
Patients exposed to tobacco smoke were
ten times more at risk of presenting a
moderate to severe crisis (OR = 10.1,
Conclusion: this study
allowed us to identify a low frequency
of controller treatment, high exposure
to tobacco smoke was a risk factor for
the presence of moderate to severe crisis
in the studied population.
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