2021, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (4)
Relationship Between Physical Activity, Body Composition and Depression in High School Students
Guedea DJC, Moreno TGG, Martínez TA, López ASJ
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 257-262
PDF size: 195.26 Kb.
Objetive: To analyze the relationship
between physical activity, body mass index
(BMI) and depression in high school
Methods: cross-sectional
analytical study. Ninety-one boys and
102 girls, aged 16.1±0.09 years, from
a high school in the city of Chihuahua,
Mexico participated. Weight and height
were measured to determine BMI. The
Godin-Shephard Leisure-Time Physical
Activity Questionnaire (gsltpaq) and
the Beck Depression Inventory were used
to identify levels of depression. Descriptive
statistics, correlation coefficient and
linear regression were used to analyze
BMI, physical activity, and depression.
Results: negative and significant correlations
were found when comparing
BMI with vigorous physical activity and
moderate physical activity. 43% of the
students had some type of depression,
and there was a significant negative
correlation between moderate physical
activity and depression (p=0.042).
Conclusions: students with higher bmi
perform less vigorous or moderate physical
activity. In addition, students who
engage in moderate physical activity have
lower levels of depression. It is recommended
to promote moderate physical
activity in this type of population.
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