2020, Number 4
Large right-cavity cardiac tumor with pulmonary infiltration in a young woman
Language: Spanish
References: 7
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Introduction: The differential diagnosis of an intracavitary mass includes normal variants, thrombi, vegetations and neoplasms. Primary cardiac tumors are rare, with an incidence ranging from 0.0017% to 0.28% and metastases appear in 1.5% to 20.6% of necropsies in neoplastic patients.Objective: To present a patient with a right ventricular and right lung apex mass diagnosed with cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma with pulmonary metastases.
Clinical case: A 46-year-old female patient with no previous illness or toxic habits was admitted to the Internal Medicine Service of Military Hospital Dr. Carlos J. Finlay due to lack of air and dyspeptic symptoms. Torpid evolution in 48 days with progression of dyspnea associated with hypotension and tachycardia. Initial suspicion of pulmonary thromboeembolism and then neoplastic, intracavitary or pulmonary disease.
Conclusions: Cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma is rare and characterized by rapid growth leading to death within weeks or months from the time of clinical presentation.
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Aravena F, Araya N, Morales J, Carabantes J, Sanhueza P. Masa cardiaca derecha, a propósito de un caso. Rev Chil Cardiol. 2013 [acceso: 31/10/2019]; 32(1):66-70. Disponible en: https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-85602013000100010&lng=es. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-85602013000100010