2020, Number 4
PrevenSoft, a tool for preparing medical science students for natural disasters
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Introduction: Cuba is a tropical country, beset by dissimilar natural phenomena that are becoming more frequent and aggressive; the preparation of a multimedia as support material in the discipline Preparation for Defense has a great impact from the economic and social point of view.Objective: to prepare an educational multimedia about natural disasters that supports the teaching of the subject for the adequate preparation of students of medical sciences.
Methods: a technological development research was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, in the period from January to May 2018. The universe was made up of 110 students belonging to the fifth year of the Medicine career. Product validation was performed using the Delphi method. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.
Results: an educational multimedia was prepared for the preparation of students of the medical sciences in situations of disasters, very adequate assessments were obtained in all of the indicators, an increase in the level of knowledge of the students was evidenced, confirming 49,1 % of approved before applying multimedia and 93,6 % after applying.
Conclusions: multimedia allowed the incorporation of new knowledge about the different types of disasters in students of medical sciences, being considered an effective tool to generalize in teaching.
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