2020, Number 4
Clinical epidemiological characterization of pregnant women suspected and positive for covid-19
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: The medical profession is occupied on the study and treatment of COVID-19, a disease caused by a new coronavirus, called 2019-nCoV. Pregnant women are a high-risk population group for this disease.Objective: To determine the clinical and epidemiological differences of the pregnant women suspect of and positive for COVID-19.
Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was carried out in 56 patients, who were grouped as suspect to COVID-19 and positive. The variables used were age, associated comorbidity, gestational age, presence of symptoms and source of infection. The information was obtained from the clinical records of the pregnant women.
Results: The suspect patients had a mean age of 25 years, 51.0% were in the third trimester of pregnancy, 87.7% had symptoms upon admission, 40.8% had no comorbidity, and in 75, 5% the source of possible contagion was not determined. The positive patients had a mean age of 27 years, 66.6% were in the first trimester of pregnancy, 83.3% were asymptomatic and did not present comorbidity. 50% were contact with positive cases.
Conclusions: There were clinical and epidemiological differences between the suspect and positive patients for COVID-19.
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