2020, Number 4
Assessment of the virtual case study method in the academic postgraduate
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: The virtual case study method is a valuable teaching tool in the postgraduate pedagogical process that can be used for the development of meaningful and autonomous learning. The case study by virtual means, promotes the active learning of the residents, and has invaluable value as an instrument of the postgraduate course that is taught, its execution favors the improvement of the academic training program of the specialty.Objective: To assess the satisfaction of residents and teachers of the periodontics specialty with the virtual case study method as a teaching tool.
Method: A descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, was carried out from January to April 2020, at the Faculty of Stomatology of Villa Clara and at the University of Medical Sciences of the FAR. The population was made up of 6 professors and 7 residents of the periodontology specialty and 3 professors from other dental specialties. Satisfaction with the use of the clinical case, residents and teachers, were study variables.
Results: The clinical cases prepared by each teacher included difficulties that did not have a single solution, to favor the understanding of divergent problems and the adoption of solutions through reflection. In the analysis of satisfaction; Most of the responses selected by residents and teachers were "always".
Conclusions: The satisfaction of residents and teachers of the Periodontics specialty with the use of the virtual case study method was high.
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