2021, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2021; 20 (4)
Healthy eating index, water intake and sleep quality in high performance athletes from a public university
Núñez-Rocha GM, Martínez-Hernández R, Cañamar-Ramírez M, Ávila-Ortiz MN, Pérez G JA, Guevara-Valtier MC, Hernández RKJ
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 22-30
PDF size: 269.09 Kb.
Introduction: Athletes should have a healthy diet, adequate water intake and good sleep quality to improve their physical
Objective: To determine the index of healthy eating, water intake and sleep quality in high performance
Material and method: Cross-sectional descriptive design, N= 769 high performance athletes participated. After
authorization and signature of informed consent, an online survey was applied. It contained sociodemographic variables and
type of sport. The Healthy Eating Index was established through frequency of food consumption, water intake in 24 hours and
sleep quality. Averages, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages were applied.
Results: 57.7% were women, age
19.8±2.6 years. Ball sports were predominant. 25% showed a healthy diet; water consumption of 1.825 ± .828 liters in 24
hours; 48% of women and 36.8% of men had adequate water intake. A good quality of sleep was observed in 24.4%.
Conclusion: The prevalence of healthy eating, adequate water intake and good sleep quality is low. It is important to design
strategies to improve these habits and optimize physical performance, quality of life and health.
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