2020, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2020; 49 (3)
Impact of new technologies in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy
Amable DT, Martínez LL, Martínez RM, Anido EV, González-Carbajal PM
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 92.12 Kb.
The development and application of technology in medicine has created ethical dilemmas for physicians to define to what extent it is ethical to subject a patient to a surgical technique or an endoscopic procedure that presents a high incidence of complications when there may be others with best results. In this work the beneficial and harmful effects of the technological advancements for the Medical Sciences are analyzed, for that reason the objective of the same one was to identify the influence of the Technical Scientific Revolution in the development of the Endoluminal Endoscopic Surgery. It is analyzed how the doctor must maintain a balance between science and ethics, which allows him, in addition to being successful in diagnosis and treatment, to be more human and understanding with his patients. It is concluded that the technical scientific revolution of today, which integrates knowledge and experience, has given solidity to how to do and why. However, resources can sometimes be limited. This means that everything that is technically feasible cannot always be done. Good medical practices should accompany all physicians knowing that it is the life of a human being who has relied on their intellectual abilities and good decision-making power.
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