2020, Number 2
Management and analysis software for pesticide poisoning cases-PlaguiTox
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 375-387
PDF size: 151.38 Kb.
Introduction: The Cuban National Toxicology Center supervises and controls the information of events attributable to immunization, vaccination and poisonings with medications and pesticides. The cases that arrive at the center are mainly justified by the use of pesticides that have a high level of toxicity and risk of death. Specialists in toxicology require ease to review the safety sheets, the official list of authorized pesticides in Cuba and the above cases. This allows analyzing and issuing a diagnosis that saves the life of the affected person.Objective: To present a system for the management and analysis of cases poisoned by pesticides.
Methods: The development was based on the Extreme Programming software methodology, modeled with the CASE Visual Paradigm 8.0 tool and the UML 2.0 language. Java was used with NetBeans 8.0.2 and as PostgreSQL 9.3 database manager.
Results: A toxicological information management tool was developed, as well as a case database of symptoms, pesticides and pesticide diagnosis. Toxicology specialists have a decision support tool that reduces the occurrence of human errors.
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