2020, Number 2
Factors involved in the quality of work life for nursing practice
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 364-374
PDF size: 128.70 Kb.
Introduction: Nursing personnel represent a crucial working group for the operation of a health center and particularly in hospital care. It is necessary to consider the factors that could affect the quality of work life of these personnel and influence attrition. A thematic review was carried out based on the specialized bibliography, especially published in the last 5 years. The search was carried out in the databases: Pubmed and Medline through the use of descriptors in Spanish and English.Objectives: To carry out an analysis of factors involved in the quality of work life for the practice of nursing.
Development: Research papers were found about quality of work life of nursing staff at the international, regional and Cuban levels. Among the psychosocial risk factors related to nursing work were: inadequate organization of work, loss of identity and autonomy in this, multi-employment and labor flexibility, time-night work and work overload.
Conclusion: It was determined that were involved in the quality of life for the practice of nursing, individual factors linked to self-esteem and vulnerability, as well as interpersonal relationships linked to physical risks and the organizational climate.
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