2020, Number 1
Pressures used and peak cough flow during mechanical cough assistance
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 175-191
PDF size: 415.89 Kb.
Introduction: In people with neuromuscular disease, the inability to cough and generate adequate expiratory flows is the main limitation to maintain adequate health of the respiratory system. The mechanical assistance of the cough is a device that generates positive and negative pressure in the airway, simulating a normal cough. 9 studies were included, with a total of 235 adult subjects with neuromuscular disease.Objectives: Describe the values of insufflation and exsufflation pressures used and to describe their relationship with peak cough flow values.
Development: 28 % were female and the ages between 14 and 77 years old. The pressures used varied between the different studies, with values ranging from + 15/-15 cm H2O to + 40/-40 cm H2O. According to the peak cough flow values, seven studies observed statistically significant increases when applying the therapy. In these studies, to obtain an expiratory flow greater than 160 L / min, at least -30/+ 30 cm H2O were required.
Conclusions: Future research is required to allow the development of a consensus regarding the application of mechanical cough assistance in subjects with neuromuscular disease, as well as establishing selection criteria for insufflation and exsufflation pressures to be programmed during therapy.
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