2020, Number 1
Physical rehabilitation of patients with cerebral vascular accident diagnosed with hemiparesis
Language: Portugués
References: 22
Page: 112-136
PDF size: 414.05 Kb.
Introduction: The present investigation arises from the insufficiencies in the physical rehabilitation of the hemiparesic patients of the orthopedic center of Viana, in many cases, determined by the low preparation of the physiotherapists for the use of the physical exercises with therapeutic aims.Objective: To elaborate a set of therapeutic physical exercises to favor the physical rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with hemiparesis.
Methods: To develop the present investigation, the following methods were used: analytical-synthetic, hypothetical-deductive, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural-functional; and as empirical methods were used document analysis, observation, the Tinetti test and the experiment, which were supported by the survey and interview techniques, as well as by the statistical-mathematical empirical frequency distribution method.
Conclusions: The correct selection, dosage and application of the physical therapeutic exercises allowed favoring the physical rehabilitation of two patients diagnosed with hemiparesis of the orthopedic center of Viana, results evaluated by the Tinetti test.
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