2021, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2021; 63 (5)
Barriers and facilitators in the implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Mexico: perspective of health workers
Maya-Hernández C, Flores-Hernández S, Vértiz-Ramírez JJ, Ruelas-González MG, Poblano-Verástegui O, Saturno-Hernández PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 662-671
PDF size: 246.07 Kb.
Objective. To identify barriers, facilitators and proposals
for improvement in the implementation of CPG from
the perspective of health professionals.
Materials and
methods. Qualitative study through 85 semi-structured
interviews with those responsible for the implementation,
dissemination and application activities, and of the operational
personnel in primary care centers and hospitals in seven
states of Mexico. The content was coded and analyzed with
ATLAS.ti 7.0.
Results. The main barriers found were the
failure to update the CPGs and low alignment with other
standards, and the impossibility of implementing them due
to work overload and limited resources.
Conclusions. The
effort to implement CPG seems to have been erratic and
insufficient, and the evaluation of its use non-existent. It is
proposed to create integrated and contextualized strategies
that prove to be more effective and efficient for the successful
implementation of the CPG.
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