2020, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2020; 36 (4)
Phenomenological and social approach concerning the daily life of people with tuberculosis
Carcausto W, Morales J, Calisaya-Valles D
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 478.41 Kb.
The daily life of people with tuberculosis is a very important category of analysis to understand the daily life with the disease of each person in social interaction.
To describe the daily life of people with tuberculosis.
Qualitative, descriptive and interpretive study based on social phenomenology. A semistructured in-depth interview was conducted on fourteen people with tuberculosis; the participants were selected intentionally until the data were saturated.
Inductive analysis of the data allowed to obtain four operational categories: the category feelings because of the disease with the subcategories feeling of guilt, fear of transmitting the disease in the family environment and fear of being discriminated against in the social environment; the category capacity to adapt to the new way of life includes the subcategories adaptation to treatment and adaptation to the consumption of nutritious foods; the category support from significant people has the subcategories support from family and support from health personnel; the category construction of new plans was associated with the projection of plans to carry them out in the future.
The daily life of people with tuberculosis is characterized by feelings of self-negativity and discrimination. Health professionals, in addition to ensuring the success of pharmacological treatment, must also inspect these feelings and thus contribute to the quality of life of patients.
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