2020, Number 3
Bullying, cyberbullying and the new information and communication technologies
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 332.98 Kb.
Introduction: Bullying is one of the greatest risks for the psychological health of children and adolescents. It is a situation of constant violence, physical or psychological, carried out by a schoolchild or a group of schoolchildren against another student who cannot defend himself or herself. Cyberbullying constitutes a form of intentional and repeated aggression that generates abuse of power through new technologies, such as email, chats, mobile phones or social networks, among others.Objective: To delve into the aspects of bullying, cyberbullying and new information and communication technologies.
Methods: To carry out this review and to offer readers an update on the subject of interest, we consulted the databases included in the LILACS, EBSCO and HINARI services and very good coverage was achieved, in Cuba, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in the rest of the world. We also visited internet websites of obligatory consultation for their prestige and leadership on the subject.
Conclusions: We highlight, once again, the importance of the family in facing the phenomenon of bullying in general and the importance of good family functionality in this respect, so any intervention that is made to prevent the phenomenon of bullying must fundamentally take the family into account. We consider that it is necessary to promote this line of research to understand the behavior of this phenomenon in our country and to compare the educational legislation related to the phenomena of bullying and cyberbullying.
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