2020, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2020; 36 (3)
Family repercussion of violent behavior
Pérez MVT, de La Vega POT, Alfonso MOA
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 445.06 Kb.
The study of the impact of domestic violence constitutes a complex problem, because the family, as a social system, has specific interrelationships among its members, determined by affective ties, norms, roles and its dynamics in different areas and moments of life.
To assess the family impact of violent behavior in homes.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during the 2016-2017 biennium, with 43 families from Playa Municipality and with cases of violent behavior. The Family Impact Questionnaire was applied to all family members over the age of 19, and the alternative response to each field was chosen by agreement among the members.
Mixed abuse prevailed in 86% of the sample. In this modality, severe family repercussion prevailed (78.4%), with a mainly high impact in the areas of family functioning and individual health status. Maltreatment due to negligence was detected only in 14%. Moderate family repercussions prevailed (66.7%), with a totally elevated affectation of the area concerning family functioning. The sense of violent behavior repercussion was unfavorable for health in 90.7% of the families.
A certain degree of repercussion was detected among the members of all the families in which violence occurred. The sense of impact of violent behavior was mostly unfavorable for family health, with a negative predominance in all its areas.
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