2021, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2021; 41 (1)
Hospital environment cleaning and disinfection in times of covid-19. Guidelines and reflections
Zamudio LI, Cárdenas NR, Martínez VG, Urbina AMA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 10-16
PDF size: 206.31 Kb.
In this pandemic times, faced with a variant of coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS COV 2), we face a conjuncture of dilemmas and hypotheses about the causes of transmission of the microorganism
when approved guideline for cleaning and disinfection in the hospital environment are not enough to consider
a suitable surface, was in part to the lack of quantitative evidence that allow us to support or detract the effect of a
disinfectant due to its misuse or wrong application.
Objective. to determine the effectiveness of four disinfectants applied with local cleaning and disinfection standards
in the hospital environment.
Material and methods. observational study carried out in four hospitalization areas of two different health care
centers. Cleaning and/or disinfection is carried out with three methods: spraying, friction and electromagnetic.
Luminescence-based atp was used to quantify living cells
Results. friction on surfaces with hydrogen peroxide impregnated towels had a decrease up to 88% in relative light
units (RLU) compared to spraying with other disinfectants. In rooms with previous cleaning, with spraying, the RLU
had a 50% reduction, however, in sink faucets and dispensers, the simple use of nebulization was enough to reduce
RLUS more than 90%. Anesthesia equipment in three rooms, had the highest amount of organic material (bacteria,
viruses, etc.) and the spraying reduced the RLUS more than 95%.
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