2003, Number 3
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Bioquimia 2003; 28 (3)
Human's Toxoplasmosis
Martín-Hernández I, García-Izquierdo SM
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 19-27
PDF size: 205.19 Kb.
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by intracellular parasite
Toxoplasma gondii. This microorganism is able of infect diversity of mammals and birds, including humans. This infection is expanded worldwide and its seroprevalence depends on the location and age of the population. It usually stays asymptomatic and when the symptoms are present the manifestations are depend on the organ or system of organ affected. The parasite exists in three infectious forms: oocysts, tachyzoites y bradyzoites. Its life cycle occurs sexual and asexually. The infection transmission is generally produced digestive way, although it can occur by transplacental way too. The parenteral, respiratory, mucosal and cutaneous ways are reported, but are less frequent. In the immunocompetent hosts mucosal, cellular, and humoral immune responses play an important role in controlling of parasite replication. The laboratory techniques are essential for the etiologic diagnosis and there are several procedures for direct demonstration parasite and other indirect ones for specific antibodies searching. The treatment is a motive of preoccupation and controversy, and although there is not a totally satisfactory treatment, infection is treated with diverse drugs.
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