2020, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2020; 12 (3)
Speech therapy intervention to control hypersalivation in children with cerebral palsy
Sánchez SM, Marrero SNT, Pérez PN, Gil AE
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 546.67 Kb.
Introduction: Sialorrhea refers to the uncontrolled flow of saliva that comes out of the mouth. This symptom can be present in children with cerebral palsy and causes inconveniences in their physical appearance, and at an educational and psychosocial levels.
Objective: To verify the effectiveness of the speech therapy intervention strategy use at CIREN´s Neurology Clinic for Children to control sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy.
Methods: A retrospective-descriptive study was carried out by means of a pre-experiment in an intentional sample, characterized from the review of medical records and speech therapy files. It was contrasted with the result of the external diagnosis, the application of speech therapy and the initial and final evaluation.
Results: The male sex (64%), the clinical diagnosis of spastic cerebral palsy (50%), and two-cycle permanence (56 days) for treatment (58%) predominated. The age range and evolution time ranged from three to 10 years (58%). The final evaluation showed 62.5% improvement in sialorrhea control in all sampled patients.
Conclusions: This speech therapy intervention strategy contributed to the reduction of sialorrhea; in addition, a decrease in humidity around the mouth and chin was achieved in children with cerebral palsy in general. This approach was formulated based on the
experience provided by daily professional practice and the results obtained with the applied percentage tests.
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