2020, Number 629
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2020; 86 (629)
Guía de cuidados de enfermería para el decúbito prono en Síndrome de Distress Respiratorio Agudo asociado a COVID-19: Revisión Integrativa
Barrantes MF, Vargas BZ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 58-67
PDF size: 345.67 Kb.
Introduction: The objective of this integrative review was to identify the best scientific evidence
for the development of nursing care guidance before and during prone positioning (PD) for
hospitalized patients in intensive care units with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
in consideration of the VID-19 pandemic.
Methodology: the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute were considered, starting
with a general survey and then writing a question using the PCC format (Population, concept
and context); a strategy was established to search for information in Spanish and English
language databases, leading to the selection and critical analysis and interpretation of the
evidence found. A total of 2207 articles were identified, with 2170 being removed by duplication
and 30 excluded by title and summary, leaving 11 studies selected.
Result: The actions before the pronation maneuver and the nursing care during the positioning
time of the person in PD in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) are highlighted.
Conclusion: This integrative review is considered an optimal guide for nursing professionals to
support quality care management for the user with ARDS associated with COVID-19
undergoing PD positioning therapy in intensive care units.
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