2020, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2020; 59 (4)
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the population of two clinics at ''Primero de Enero'' Polyclinic
Rivero SD, Chávez VR, Folgueiras PD
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 296.28 Kb.
The metabolic syndrome is an important health problem and risk factor for a group of diseases whose common pathogenic factor is atherosclerosis. These diseases are the leading cause of death in many countries, as well in Cuba.
To characterize the profile of the metabolic syndrome in the population of two clinics.
An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 2 medical clinics of “Primero de Enero” polyclinic. A measurement of the Body Mass Index and total cholesterol was performed in patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.
The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in 247 patients; the prevalence in the studied population was 9.57%. One hundred twenty one patients (49% of the total) were 60 years or older. The most frequently found components of the metabolic syndrome were abdominal obesity in 168 patients (68.01% sample), hyperglycemia in 115 (46.56%) and arterial hypertension in 98 (39.68%). Eighty-six patients (34.82%) also had hypercholesterolemia.
The metabolic syndrome frequently occurs in the population older than 60 years. Abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, and high blood pressure are the most frequently found components of the metabolic syndrome. Hypercholesterolemia is often found in patients with this syndrome. In order to reduce the morbidity and mortality related to the metabolic syndrome, it is necessary to establish effective detection and control strategies of the risk factors and of the frequently associated hyperlipidemia.
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