2020, Number 4
Lower limb arterial disease detected by Echo-doppler in asymptomatic patients
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 305.30 Kb.
Introduction: Arterial disease of the lower limbs is a marker of coronary risk, causing disability and death in those who suffer from it. Early detection can mitigate these effects.Objective: To identify undiagnosed lower limb arterial disease through Echo-Doppler in patients with atherogenic risk factors.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 100 patients aged 40 years or older, smoking habits history, and diabetic and / or hypertensive patients, with no diagnosis of arterial disease in the lower limbs, who underwent Eco-Doppler of the lower limb.
Results: EAMI compatible lesions were identified in 69% of those studied, whose mean age was 64.81 ± 10.12 years, and a discrete male predominance. The most affected arteries were the posterior tibial and pediatric arteries in 43% and 39% respectively, the association measures showed OR (95% CI) of 4.15 for diabetes mellitus, 1.63 for smoking followed by arterial hypertension with 0.27.
Conclusions: Six out of ten patients showed atherosclerotic lesions identifiable by Echo-Doppler, those of the posterior tibial sector and pedium predominated in smokers and diabetics, the latter had four times the risk of suffering from the disease.
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