2021, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2021; 8 (Esp)
Prevalencia de síndrome de Burnout en profesionales de la salud ante pandemia de COVID-19
Quiroz-Ascencio G, Vergara-Orozco MG, Yáñez-Campos M del R, Pelayo-Guerrero P, Moreno-Ponce R, Mejía-Mendoza ML
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 20-32
PDF size: 470.71 Kb.
Objectives: Determine the prevalence of Burnout
Syndrome and degree of aff ectation in health professionals
during the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus
giving recommendations on prevention or reduction
of its development.
Introduction: Burnout syndrome,
declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an
occupational risk factor due to its ability to aff ect quality
of life, is an inadequate response to coping with emotional
stress and chronic work strain. Th e COVID-19 pandemic,
the ignorance of the disease and the lack of protocols and
adequate personal protective equipment exacerbate the
stress in health professionals.
Material and Methods:
Th e following study is Quantitative, Observational,
Descriptive, Cross-sectional, it was developed with a
non-probabilistic sample for convenience, by personal
questionnaires, a total of 220 being sent virtually,
recovering 184 with a response of 83.6% to the
convocatory, discarding 16 (7.2%), giving us a total of
168 individuals studied, corresponding to 76.4% of the
Results: Regarding the results obtained, it
could be observed that of the 168 health professionals
who were part of this study, 2% did not present data of
aff ectation, 57% presented moderate aff ectation and 41%
presented severe aff ectation, making it evident a Burnout
prevalence of 98%.
Discussion: Doing a comparative
analysis of Burnout in health professionals, we found
that in Argentina a condition of 16.8% had been found in
doctors and 4.9% in nurses prior to COVID-19. Already
during the pandemic a Colombian study showed that 70%
of general practitioners had anxiety or stress, in Ecuador
it could be shown that about 95% suff ered from Burnout
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