2021, Number 3
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2021; 41 (3)
Bronchodilator substances used for pneumonia: an 18th century prescription
Téllez D, Delgado V, Martínez LJC, Briceño BI, Rueda RA, Martínez AMC, Tuta QE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 107-110
PDF size: 299.70 Kb.
Introduction. In the Nuevo Reino de Granada, the lower respiratory tract infections or “pneumonia”, was very
frequent; it had a great impact on the mortality rate and it was a challenge for the small number of doctors and
apothecaries of Nuevo Reino de Granada. They tried to use various methods; from serum therapy in its early stages
to various phytotherapeutic agents. This article describes one of the prescriptions used for the medical management
of pneumonia in the 18th century at the Nuevo Reino de Granada.
Objective. To analyze the components of a medical prescription from the 18th century, used to treat lung inflammation
of unknown origin.
Materials and methods. Document research of the medical prescription “Pulmonía” in the historical archive of
the Octavio Arizmendi Posada Library at the University of La Sabana: followed by reviewing the available literature,
in electronic databases, about the components of the prescription.
Conclusions. Phytotherapeutic agents were the first line of management used for most diseases in the apothecaries
and medical centers at that time. In this article is documented, the introduction of the ingredients used by
18th century doctors, which began to construct the foundations of pharmacotherapy. Due to the recent scientific
investigation of the components, it is possible to recognize possible effects, such as the effect of ephedrine and
vasicin as possible bronchodilators, expectorants and stimulants of the respiratory center, allowing symptomatic
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