2003, Number 2
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Bioquimia 2003; 28 (2)
A review of the clinical, metabolic and genetic factors involved in diabetes mellitus
Guzmán-Juárez N, Madrigal-Bujaidar E
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 15-23
PDF size: 216.66 Kb.
Diabetes is a chronic, degenerative, systemic disease with variable degrees of hereditary susceptibility. It is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due to a deficient production or action of insulin, which in turn affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. The main symptoms of hyperglycemia are polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, and sometimes, polyphagia and blurred sight. Presently, diabetes is considered a pandemic disease with an ascending tendency. The affection is related with microcirculation damages that may be manifested as nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy, as well as macrovascular damage shown in cardiovascular diseases related with accelerated atherosclerosis and a higher risk of thrombosis.
Presently, the knowledge of the human genome has promoted the study of different diseases with genetic etiology. In the case of diabetes, the study include several genes of susceptibility related with the codification of insulin and its receptors, besides, it is evaluated the relationship between such genes and the environmental and nutritional factors involved in the developing of the disease. A specific search goes to interpret the relationship between genes and the signals controlling the production of glucose. The present work makes a revision of the ideas expressed before in light of the appropriate literature. The work describes the metabolism and treatment of the disease, as well as its clinical and epidemiological characteristics. The etiology of the affection is explained by describing the influence of known genetic factors in the development of the disease.
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