2021, Number 2
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2021; 40 (2)
Folatos: metabolismo y defectos del tubo neural
Manivel CRA
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 41-47
PDF size: 356.04 Kb.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid is an essential nutrient obtained from diet or vitamin supplements.
In the body it acts as cofactor of many enzymes that participate in the
metabolism and synthesis of several compounds of biological importance such as
proteins, nucleic acids, among others. Its deficiency is associated with disorders
such as macrocytic anemia, cardiovascular disease and congenital malformations
in the newborn, like neural tube defects. The adequate intake of folic acid before
and during the first three months of pregnancy has been shown that contributes to
significantly reduce the risk to present these malformations. The aim of this review
is to present clearly and simply but deep enough the metabolism of this vitamin and
its relationships of its deficiency with neural tube defects in the newborn.
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