2020, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2020; 12 (2)
The requirements engineering in the development of informatics applications
Reyes EJ
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Software engineering consists in obtaining software requirements, system designing and implementation, tests, installing, maintaining and actualizing the system. Requirement engineering focus on defining the customer needed specifications to perform by the software system.
Objective: Describe the main characteristics of requirements engineering and highlight its importance within the software development process.
Methods: A classical documentary review was carried out by selecting publications with the help of keywords on Internet sites. A critical analysis of the articles was carried out. The development of the exposition was structured in three sections.
Development: The execution of the process of generating correct specifications that clearly, unambiguously, consistently and compactly describe the needs of users or customers to minimize the problems related to mismanagement of requirements in systems development, it is the center of requirements engineering. There are exposed as well as discussed the concepts related with the subject. From the point of view of the documental analysis the issue is presented by the description and discussion of the process of generating requirements specifications, requirements engineering and the main techniques used to obtain requirements.
Conclusions: Requirements engineering involves all the activities related to obtaining, analyzing, validating and documenting the requirements specifications, so its proper management allows reaching an optimal state at the beginning of the software design phase so that the final product reflects the real needs of the user.
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