2021, Number 2
M Analysis of the morphological characteristics of palatal wrinkles for forensic identification
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 130-141
PDF size: 382.96 Kb.
In forensic identification, the oral cavity offers an infinite number of possibilities for this purpose. The unique characteristics of the teeth are one of the most common pathways within forensic dentistry as a feasible method of identification. However, sometimes the identification of people through the comparison of dental records or individual characteristics of the oral cavity is limited by the lack of antemortem (AM) records of individuals. Other structures of the oral cavity that are significantly important in the forensic identification process are palatal wrinkles. These structures have characteristics of invariability, immutability, permanence and uniqueness. The record of these morphological characteristics is reflected with a numerical code on a rugoscopic record. The rugoscopic analysis of 103 study models was made and this information was recorded on a rugoscopic file designed for this investigation. The results showed a significant prevalence of the sinuous form (346), followed by the curve (282) and the curve (276). It was concluded that there is a predominant pattern of palatal wrinkles in the inhabitants of Zacatecas, Zac. which favors the forensic identification process. However, it is recommended to perform another similar study but with larger samples to corroborate these results.REFERENCES
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