2021, Number 1
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2021; 6 (1)
Some considerations about abortion from a forensic and social perspective
Rodríguez-Jorge RR, Pérez-González E
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 102-118
PDF size: 317.30 Kb.
Fertilization, pregnancy and human childbirth are a physiological process but at the same time regulated by human kind, which usually conceive it by mutual agreement; the product of conception is one of the reasons for the greatest happiness and union in the family, but unfortunately this dynamic is very often subject to dissimilar factors that can modify and distort its essence; these factors include legal, social and religious regulations, in which cultural and psychological factors constitute an inclusive factor. The present work aims to demonstrate the need to analyze abortion from the different perspectives of the author. For this, a thorough documentary review of the scientific literature was carried out and the author's experience was included in the cases worked on during his 24 years of experience. Each country in its legislation contemplates the definition and position on abortion. Economic and social development are elements that often go unnoticed, but they regulate the birth rate and, on the other hand, encourage abortions in unwanted pregnancies using legal and illegal means, according to the nation.
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