2021, Number 1
Evaluation of visual acuity in children of the ''Úrsulo Galván'', Elementary School, morning shift Xalapa, Veracruz
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 7-12
PDF size: 209.68 Kb.
Introduction: Vision deficits currently bring with them various problems, of great importance for their neural development and learning. Objective: To analyze the visual acuity of elementary school children "Úrsulo Galván". Material and methods: An evaluation was carried out on children with ages between 5 to 11 years old, who were in the groups from 1st to 6th grade. The universe consisted of a total of 348 boys, with a prevalence in the female gender with 185 girls (53%) and 163 boys (47%) of the male gender. The evaluation was carried out in 696 eyes in which visual acuity was taken with a Snellen chart for those who knew how to read adequately and a chart of figures for younger children who did not yet know the letters in their entirety, they were distributed in groups of one average of 25 children, the eyes were distributed by range of Visual Acuity (VA). Among other optometric variables that were taken into account is the VA, for which 20/20 are considered normal values ??in Snellen notation (1.00 decimal, 1 MAR and 1/1 in Snellen fraction) are considered values ??higher than normal greater than 20/20 (20/15, 1.33 decimal, 0.45 MAR, and 1 / .75 in Snellen fraction), mild deficit values ??ranging from 20/25 to 20/40 in Snellen notation, moderate deficit values ??from 20/50 to 20 / 80 and severe deficit values ??of 20/100 or more. Results: Of the 696 eyes, 312 eyes (44.82%) have a VA of 20/20 or higher (20/20 32.04% corresponding to 223 eyes and 20/15 89 eyes (12.78%) and 55.18% have a lower VA to 20/20 corresponding to a mild, moderate, or severe VA. Conclusions: In Mexico, studies that address this problem are scarce, as in Latin America. On this subject, and also in Latin America, the visual acuity (VA) values ??are based on North American or European standards. There are few cases where the VA is less than 20/100, however there are and for this population and age this type of VA is considered a fairly high risk factor and danger, even more so if they are not diagnosed in time by the specialist. That in its majority being only one eye of two that a normal subject has, it can go unnoticed and not be detected until adulthood.REFERENCES
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