2018, Number 2
The design of computer applications for the services of Medical Genetics in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 166.65 Kb.
Introduction: the rapid development of Information Technology and the application of Information and Communication Technologies in the Health sector have motivated the design of computer applications that are able to expedite workflow system, minimizing the costs of resources and providing specialized services.Objective: to identify the different computer tools designed in Cuba for the development of Medical Genetics.
Methods: a literature search in depth was carried out; the articles were mostly taken from SCIELO database, from the Cuban journal of Medical Informatics and from the Cuban Journal of Community Genetics. The information collected responded to the application of computer science in the field of genetics worldwide, specifically in Cuba.
Results: from the perspective of genetics, the development of tools applicable to the diagnosis and prevention of diseases, to statistical analysis and to the daily work of specialists, technicians and professionals has been promoted in the country. All the programs developed have had a positive impact on the improvement of the quality of the health care provided to the population and have marked the beginning of the services of excellence in this field.
Conclusions: the creation of computerized systems in the field of genetics has allowed improving the medical, statistical and clinical records conducted by the specialists of this branch in the different services; all of which has made possible to move forward in the researches concerning different genetic diseases; along with the establishment of strategies to carry out preventive work in the communities.
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