2018, Number 2
Smoking, anti-citrullinated peptide of fibrinogen antibodies and clinical severity of rheumatoid arthritis
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 333.29 Kb.
Introduction: The relationship between smoking and epigenetic changes can affect the function of cells associated with the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and lead to the generation of autoantibodies.Objective: To establish the relationship between smoking, presence of antibodies against one citrullinated fibrinogen peptide (anti-PFC) and severity of the disease in Cuban patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Methods: 148 Cuban patients with rheumatoid arthritis from the National Rheumatology Center were included. The association between smoking status and the presence of anti-PFC antibodies determined by an immunoassay was determined, as well as the relationship of these antibodies with the index of clinical activity of the disease and the positivity of C-reactive protein.
Results: Antibody concentrations higher than 40 U/mL were associated with smoking in patients studied (p=0.0339). An association was observed between antibody concentrations higher than 40 U/mL and moderate or high clinical activity (p=0.0382), as well as positive C-reactive protein (p=0.0002).
Conclusions: Smoking is associated with high concentrations of anti-PFC antibodies, which are associated with a greater clinical severity of the disease in Cuban patients with RA.
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