2021, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2021; 89 (08)
Placental histopathological findings in preterm births and early term
Morán R, Vaamonde L, Rey G
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 595-602
PDF size: 192.24 Kb.
Objective: To analyze preterm and early term placentas of patients attended at the
Maternity of the University Hospital for the evaluation of histopathological findings in
view of weeks of gestation.
Material and Method:Prospective, observational and descriptive study carried
out at the Maternity Hospital of the Hospital de Clínicas between August 2015
and February 2016. The population was selected according to weeks of gestation and
all births between 22 and 38 + 6-7 days of gestation were included. Twin pregnancy
and fetal malformations were used as exclusion criteria. The statistical tests applied,
according to the type of variables, were Student's t-test and 2 with Fisher's correction
for small samples.
Results: 410 births were registered: 130 early term (only 67 were evaluated) and
45 preterm (only 43 were evaluated). The main pathologic histologic finding in both
populations was poor maternal vascular perfusion followed by 40% immature placentas
in early term.
Conclusions: The most frequent histopathologic finding was poor maternal vascular
perfusion in both populations evaluated, perhaps due to the type of maternity with high
medical obstetric risk. The knowledge of placental pathologies can orient towards the
cause of prematurity and its classification, as well as help in decision making regarding
the neonate and the future planning of another pregnancy.
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