2018, Number 1
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Rev Cub Gen 2018; 12 (1)
The masculine. Harmful for health?
Rivero PR, Hernández AY
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 103.57 Kb.
Introduction: A literature review about the masculinity-health relationship is
presented, in which the implications of the traditional way of "being a man" have been
taken for human health.
Objective: Systematize the information provided by authors from Cuba and other
countries on the subject.
Methods: Theoretical methods of investigation are applied as the historical-logical,
deductive, analysis-synthesis. The content analysis was the main method selected to
assess the meaning of the ideas of the authors reflected in the texts. A search was
carried out to identify the authors who have worked most on the masculinity-health
relationship in Cuba and internationally, giving priority to what was published in
Spanish. The search was restricted to the categories: "masculinities", "masculine
health" and "hegemonic masculinity". Bibliographic references were included that
provide relevant information or important background for the development of the
review, regardless of the year of its publication.
Results: The results show the trajectory the topic has had in the national and
international scientific literature, emphasizing aspects that can contribute to improve
the treatment of the masculinity-health relationship at a personal and institutional level.
The systematization made it possible to identify a set of attributes of the traditional way
of being men that are harmful to their health. This work systematizes interesting
findings related to the influence of food, smoking, exposure to toxic substances, stress,
among others, which account for the significance of the epigenetic trace of the
construction of hegemonic masculinity.
Conclusions: The topic is widely treated in the international and Cuban scientific
literature from the perspective of the social sciences, but not from the perspective of
genetics as a scientific discipline.
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