2017, Number 2
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Rev Cub Gen 2017; 11 (2)
Medical Genetics Services. Current situation and market trends
Contreras AR
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 8-14
PDF size: 293.75 Kb.
It is enhanced the predictive character of forth industrial revolution associated to personalized medicine, based in genome and disease prediction capacity knowledge, all this tribute a very special relevance to genetic medical services. Considering specialized articles published during the last five years, in the present paper, actual situation and perspective of global genetics medical services and especially in the area of developing countries is evaluated, making possible an approach to the best market options. It is considered that genetic analysis constitutes the most extended market segment of molecular diagnostic all over the world. This behaviour had been generated from the increment of genetic diseases that creates opportunities for that analysis. An analysis of market trends about molecular diagnostic is included, reporting 4,200 million dollars in the year 2011, with annual increment of 33%. Including in this market for genomic segment it is projected a growth from 755 millions in the year 2011 to 1215 millions for the year 2016. It is enhanced the potentiality of paternity analysis and the importance of academic services in the speciality of medical genetics.
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