2003, Number 2
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Bioquimia 2003; 28 (2)
Study of reactivity to Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant women from Havana City and Pinar del Río Provinces, Cuba
Sánchez-Gutiérrez A, Martín-Hernández I, García-Izquierdo SM
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 3-8
PDF size: 185.68 Kb.
Congenital toxoplasmosis may develop due to a maternal primary infection during pregnancy, which could cause serious sequelae to the newborn. Since toxoplasmosis in adults is usually asymptomatic, the only way to find pregnancies at risk of acute toxoplasmosis is to perform a serological screening of pregnant women. A prevalence study of anti-
Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in 1 210 Cuban pregnant women from Havana City and Pinar del Río, was carried out in order to determine the reactivity percents in each province, whether these percents vary depending on the geographical area studied, and if there is an increment in the reactivity to this parasite as the age increases. For this study the UMELISA Toxoplasma® assay was used and 61.82 % of reactivity to Toxoplasma gondii was found. 36.86% of the pregnant women from Havana City and 33.49% Pinar del Río presented antibody concentrations upper than 125 U/mL Besides, reactivity to Toxoplasma gondii in this population does not increase with age and the reactivity levels to anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in Pinar del Río (71%) were superior than in Havana City (52.35 %).
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