2015, Number 7
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CuidArte 2015; 4 (7)
Actitud hacia la investigación científica de estudiantes de enfermería
Alonso TJ, Alonso RA, Valadez DD
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 22-35
PDF size: 589.72 Kb.
The study plan of Nursing in the Faculty
of Top Studies Iztacala, is orientated by major
emphasis towards the welfare performance, and by
minor intensity towards other professional roles
as the researching, it can represent an obstacle
for the learning of the contents of the modules of
methodology of research and nursing research.
This study has as aim analyze the level of
attitude towards the scientific research that there
present nursing students and his relation with the
diagnostic evaluation and formal.
Methodology. Study non-experimental, cross
sectional, prospective and analytical. Research level
relational. Our variables of interest were the attitude
towards the scientific research, the diagnostic
evaluation and formal. There was designed and
validated an instrument that was applied to a
sample of 32 students selected by convenience. We
concludes that the attitude towards the research is
not correlated by results of diagnostic evaluation
and formal, therefore the academic performance is
determined by traditional factors as the individual
effort and the autonomous learning more than for
the attitude towards research.
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