2020, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2020; 53 (4)
Usage of Vidatox® 30CH for relieving pain and other symptoms in inflammatory diseases
Casamayor LZ, Guevara GMM, González LS
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 369.27 Kb.
Introduction: VIDATOX
® 30CH is a homeopathic product obtained from the venom of
the Cuban scorpion Rhopalurus junceus. It allows improving the quality of life of people
suffering from cancer or any other disease in which the inflammatory process prevails.
Objective: To assess the effect of VIDATOX
® 30CH in the relief of pain and other
symptoms of patients suffering from diseases with an inflammatory component.
Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out with 2541 patients who attended
LABIOFAM's medical consultations during the period between 2011 and 2016 and were
treated with VIDATOX
® 30CH. The variables taken into account were type of disease, main
symptom as reason for consultation, time at which improvement of the main symptom
started, and adverse events. The characterization of the sample was carried out through the
use of descriptive measures and the determination of the 95% confidence interval. Pearson's
chi-square was used to compare the clinical evolution of patients by disease. McNemar's test
was used to determine the difference in proportions before and after. Analysis of variance
was used to compare the time at which patients experienced improvement of the main
Results: Patients with oncological diseases predominated (2261, 88.98%), followed by
degenerative diseases (132; 5.19%). Pain was the most commonly reported symptom
(1431; 56.32). The majority of patients were administered VIDATOX
® 30CH three
times a day (1389, 54.7%). 96.92% of these patients reported improvement in pain. On
average, the improvement of the main symptoms started in 74.79 days. 0.95% of the
patients presented mild and transient adverse events.
Conclusions: VIDATOX
® 30CH is effective in relieving pain and other symptoms in
patients with oncological, autoimmune and degenerative diseases. VIDATOX
® 30CH is
recommended for the relief of symptoms in patients with inflammatory diseases.
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