2020, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Farm 2020; 53 (2)
Chemical profile and antifungal activity of the essential oil of the Bauhinia rufa (Bong.) Steud flower
Pereira MFAC, Rangel FBDH, de Souza CCF
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 475.19 Kb.
Introduction: The genus Bauhinia is made up of more than 300 plants worldwide. Several
of its species have shown antifungal activity.
Objective: To evaluate the chemical profile of the essential oil of the Bauhinia rufa (Bong.)
Steud flower from four regions of Goiás, Brazil, to determine its antifungal activity against
Candida isolates.
Methods: Essential-oil extraction from the Bauhinia rufa flower was carried out using a
Clevenger-type system. The yield was determined by the mass difference and relative
density in pycnometer. The chemical profile was evaluated by gas chromatography/mass
spectrometer, and the antifungal activity was determined at different essential oil
concentrations using the disk diffusion method. The Tukey test was performed for
statistically significant difference (p<0.05).
Results: The essential oil yield was 0.067%; 0.045%; 0.098%, and 0.065%, with densities
of 0.907 g mL-1; 0.905 g mL-1; 0.908 g mL-1 and 0.904 g mL-1, respectively for the regions
of Rio Verde, Jataí, Caiapônia, and Pilar de Goiás. The chemical profile showed the presence
of 39 compounds: six with the highest percentage of β-pinene, trans-verbenol, elemol,
globulol, viridiflorol and oplopanone. Antifungal activity against the genus Candida was
satisfactory against all the isolates tested.
Conclusions: The essential oil of the Bauhinia rufa (Bong.) Steud flower shows good
content of essential oil. The evaluation outcomes of its antifungal activity evaluation against
the Candida strains analyzed place it as a possible candidate to develop a new antifungal.
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