2020, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (4)
Professional performance evaluation of helping male nurses under the theory of Patricia Benner
Hernández-Pérez R, Hernández-Núñez A, Molina-Borges M, Hernández-Sánchez Y, Señán-Hernández N
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 522.40 Kb.
The general problems the ones they come face to face to the nursing professionals and the particularities of the context of health in the provinces Mayabeque, condition the need to apply Patricia Benner's theory on the competition male nurse and to make the quality of care perfect that way.
Evaluating the professional performance of helping male nurses under the theory of Patricia Benner.
Study descriptive side road in professionals of infirmary of the 11 district councils of the province Mayabeque, Cuba, during 2018. Universe of 44 helping male nurses that labor of the Primary Care of Salud, a performance test was applicable a guidebook of observation of the competition and the judgement of dab hands to verify the validity of the instruments was used. The quantitative variables summarized themselves by means of arithmetical mean and standard deviation, the comparison of proportions were used chi-square came true by means of the proof, being considered a level of significance for P < 0,05.
There was a predominance of the feminine sex (79,54 %), the bigger age of 30-39 years (50.00 %), experience in AIM from 6 to 10 years (65,90 %), the overcoming adequate professional (70,45 %) and performance adequate professional (84,09 %). The nursing professionals categorised like efficient and skilful according to the theory of Patricia Benner (45.45 % and 22.72 % respectively).
The helping male nurses of the Intensive Municipal areas of Mayabeque are in a tall level of professional performance because they are able to identify the needs of the patients intuitively, organising the care plan and solving the health problems of the population.
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