2020, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (4)
Perception of the nursing technical course student of the nursing care systematization
Souza SD, Aparecido FH, Rezende AK, Santos MCL, Sallazar FPR
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 363.49 Kb.
The way in which the Nursing Care Systematization is visualized implies the recognition of the profession and the practices of nursing actions. The understanding of this tool by students in the technical nursing course is little explored, which constitutes one of the gaps in the nursing area.
To describe the perception of students of a nursing technical course about the Nursing Care Systematization.
Exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative approach. Participated 18 (62,0 %) students of the 29 (27,8 %) who met the inclusion criteria, at a technical nursing school in Northeast Bahia, Brazil. The data were collected between April and May 2018, by means of a questionnaire with the following variables: quality of teaching-learning process through which students glimpse; developed skills necessary for the execution of the systematization of nursing assistance; and the importance attributed to in the context of the work of the nursing technician. Descriptive statistics was used, followed by analysis of the phenomenon's characteristics.
The students considered the theoretical approach of the Nursing Care Systematization and the taxonomies insufficient to support the professional practice.
Most students showed unaware of the characteristics of the systematization of nursing assistance and of the Nursing Process.
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