2020, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (4)
Nursing diagnoses and interventions to the person with metabolic syndrome submitted to gastrectomy
Santana CSI, Narriman SOBR, Dumêt FJ, de Souza JEV, dos Santos SA
Language: Portugués
References: 28
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 427.06 Kb.
Metabolic syndrome constitutes the cardiovascular risk factors and the strategies for its confrontation are essential to reduce the morbimortality of the population.
Identify nursing diagnoses and perform care for a person with metabolic syndrome undergoing gastrectomy.
It is a descriptive study of type intervention in the care of the person with Metabolic Syndrome submitted to gastrectomy, accompanied by the Nursing service, from 2016 to 2018, in a Basic Health Unit in the interior of Bahia. Data were obtained through anamnesis, physical examination and clinical and laboratory exams available in the medical records. Data were stored in a single table containing anthropometric data and glycemic and lipid tests before and after surgery. The evaluative parameter was the descriptive clinical analysis of the evidence found in the physical examination and the results of laboratory tests, as part of the professional routine. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under Opinion No. 2.850.239.
It were traced the Nursing diagnoses: Anxiety; Fear; Unbalanced nutrition: more than bodily needs; knowledge about the metabolic syndrome. In post-operative gastrectomy were traced: risk of unbalanced nutrition: less than the bodily needs; risk of infection; acute pain and impaired skin integrity.
After surgery, there was a reduction in the rates that classified her as having Metabolic Syndrome. Anthropometric and metabolic data show that the patient no longer has the syndrome because obesity, glycemic alteration and blood pressure were reversed and medications were suspended.
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